Explore The Night Sky
turn off the lights to turn-on the stars...
and spend a night under 5 billion stars...
Big Bang Astronomy Club is a unit of Saurashtra Education Foundation’s Shri O.V. Sheth Regional Community Science Center, Rajkot. We are one of the largest Amateur Astronomy Club in the country.

“We are the way of the universe to know itself”
– Carl Sagan
Our Flagships

Gir Star Party is an annual star party during late January or early February which lasts for 3 days and 2 nights under the pristine dark skies of the outskirts of the Gir Forest, Gujarat. In this pan-India event consists of lectures and workshops in the daytime and sky-watching at night. This event is a must attend affair which blends sky-watching from one of the darkest skies of the country with nature.

Messier Marathon
The Messeir Marathon is an annual event held in late March or early April of every year. It is normally held on a Saturday night nearest to the new moon. The reason behind this time of the year is the fact that the location of the sun during this time allows all 110 objects of the Messier Catalog to be viewed in one single night from dusk to dawn.

Explore The World
We don’t just stick to looking at the night sky. Once in a while, we love to enjoy the nature’s beauty too by organizing nature walks and treks.