Winter Solstice Celebration
As per Britannica Encyclopedia, Winter Solstice (or December Solstice for people in the south) marks the moment during the year when the path of the Sun in the sky is farthest south …
As per Britannica Encyclopedia, Winter Solstice (or December Solstice for people in the south) marks the moment during the year when the path of the Sun in the sky is farthest south …
From October through May, the Big Bang Astronomy Club hosts a Moon observation session for the general public on the night closest to the first quarter after the new moon. …
From October through May, the Big Bang Astronomy Club hosts a Moon observation session for the general public on the night closest to the first quarter after the new moon. …
The Perseid Meteor Shower in August is typically considered the most spectacular meteor shower of the year. However, it coincides with the peak of the monsoon season, which is unfortunate …
A tentative star party for the club members during the new moon weekend of the month.
From October through May, the Big Bang Astronomy Club hosts a Moon observation session for the general public on the night closest to the first quarter after the new moon. …
The Leonid Meteor Shower is an annual meteor shower that occurs when the Earth passes through the debris left behind by the comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle. This shower gets its name from …
A tentative full-night observation program has been scheduled for club members due to its proximity to the New Moon and the fact that it falls during the Diwali holidays.
Public observation of planet Jupiter and the Moon through the club’s telescope while the Moon takes a dip under the shadow of Earth.
Our 8th edition of the annual Gir Star Party, the most awaited star party in Gujarat, India, will be held from January 20, 2023 to January 22, 2023 for 3 …